
Scoring C+ to B+ in KCSE is a Death Trap! Avoid, or Find Out 6 Years Later

 KCSE students have one goal in place- Joining a University. But, there are some mistakes that parents should not let their children do, or else, they will end up in a deep hole of endless penury. Scoring a C+ and above gives the students an opportunity to join a University, either of their choice, or of the KUCCPS choice. Sometimes, people focus more about joining the University and overlook the why. Without beating around the bush, joining the university to do just any course is a worse decision than scoring a D+ in KCSE and joining TVET to do a skill-based course. Universities offer tons of courses, in dozens of departments and schools. In every university, there are a bunch of courses, and you may find these are the majority, where students are enrolled to bankroll the institution, and support the education of those doing useful courses.   For starters, if you have not qualified to do a Medical course (meaning you scored a A- and above), don’t pretend to love Biologi...

Religion and Cultism; Reviewing the Beliefs from a Nonmember's View

People believe in a lot of things. Sometimes incomprehensible beliefs are what they dearly embrace. From the outsider's perspective, it's hard to get why people believe Wanyonyi can be a Jehovah. But, from the insider's view, their beliefs are grounded in common sense, and anybody not staunchly adhering to its teachings is lost. So, does what appears to be cultism from a nonmember's point of view appear cultic to the followers?  

KUCCPS Portal Now Open- 10 Most Marketable Courses to Prioritize!

T here is a bunch of not so marketable degree courses, unless, and only unless, you are extremely lucky or your uncle works somewhere he can connect you.  These less attractive but still offered by different universities may lead to nothing but frustrations, after you finish your course, and you can't even get somewhere to volunteer because clearly, you have no skills whatsoever that could fit anywhere in the market.  To avoid such consternation, here is a list of extremely marketable and skills-focused university courses that everyone will be scrambling for an enrollment opportunity. Admittedly, these courses may be offered by a University at a village near the edge of Kenya, but if I were you, where the course is offered should only be a vestigial problem-The course itself should be the primary, secondary, and tertiary goal.  I'm sure nobody read the entire introduction part, so let's jump into the list: 1. BSc. Nursing. Forget the shenanigans of KMTC diploma nursing be...

Forget Kenya: Unreported Events That Happened in 2022 Across the World

 Twitter:   Njuguna Nyenjeri As 2022 comes to an end, here are some of the most unforgettable things that happened in 2022; Nov 15: World's population reaches 8 billion, just 11 years after passing 7 billion, though now slowing down (9 billion expected in about 2037), according to the UN  

Why Millennials are Opting for Vasectomy in Worrying Numbers?

Vasectomy has become a new normal, and the sooner we accept it has come and we need to talk about it, the sooner we will forget about it and let people decide what they want to do with their bodies. But, did you know that most men doing vasectomies are below 30 years? So, what is really happening? This is an exclusive revelation that has not been addressed elsewhere, so stay put and read this Feminism is one of the forces that is driving men to vasectomy. Baby mama toxicity has been a cruel game that has put many men into depression. Every man has that one type of girl he can sleep with, but he is 100% sure he would rather die than marry her. Well, put, men know the girls they would never want to get pregnant, and they cannot think of the back and forth that would emanate from unwanted pregnancy with such a woman. So, the easy solution for the urge to continue exercising the waist muscles and dipping their protuberance into the honey pot is getting a vasectomy. Vasectomy alienate...

Why Eating Vegetables Should Bother You More than Eating GMOs'

  Are GMOs safe? Well, there is something else we all eat that should bother us more than GMOs. Genetic modification, in the context it is being used today, refers to editing the organism’s genome by inserting foreign DNA molecules. In most cases, crop genetic modification is done for two purposes; ·           Make the plant pest resistant ·         Make the plant pesticide-resistant. Many GMOs are not meant to increase yield per se, but yield increases automatically as resistance to pest and weeds is enhanced. In short, the losses that would have been caused by weed and pest is significantly reduced, thus, maximum production can be achieved if other growth factors such as irrigation, fertilizer application, and timely planting, are met. The foreign genes used in many GMOs are harvested from soil-borne bacteria such as Bacillus thuringiensis which has natural toxicity against pests. The Bt in Bt Maize and Bt cotton stands for Bacillus...