I was seated in my 2 feet softwood bed viewing midnight news after enjoying a pretty adorable meal (not delicious though) which a neighbor had brought when this story got aired. I suppose this neighbor, who is a teenager, and a female too just in case one of the ‘mafisi Sacco’ brigade is represented here, had a different motive other than helping my stomach overfill, but that I will explain latter I promise. It was about a certain girl who contracted HIV at 17 years. Interestingly, that girl, (now a woman) is well living, with quadrant children who are all free from the deadly virus. I know this looks like a class 3 pupil compositions but my story have not started yet. This woman painfully narrated how she was made to believe by her close allays that she was so useless and her life was numb and nothing could come out her, including nothing. This affected her and she almost gave in with life before she determinedly fought back with all her might and ensured that she survive the Ghost of Stigma.

I took my time and decided to taste the feeling myself. I posted on all my social media pages that I was actually having the virus. Next time I will specify its HIV Virus. The reaction from all my friends showed that indeed people do not accept HIV culprits in the society. They feel like it is a disease that one chooses either to get or not to get. Nobody but nobody was willing to show the slightest sense of sympathy. I received more than very many new messages both from Facebook and Whats App whereby people wanted to confirm the news first before deciding on what to do next. Many people did not get the right vocabulary to comment on my post but rather opted to use the infamous imonjis which actually terming them as ambiguous is understatement. According to several confirmed statistical data obtained, stigmatization is second from opportunistic diseases such as TB and Pneumonia which leads to many HIV and AIDs victims succumbing. However, people continue to knowingly or unknowingly pile more pressure on the already weak souls by showing open discrimination against HIV victims. Is this how other people indeed infected get treated by their ‘loved ones’? Do people still think that they are holy that is why they are not struck by the menace?. There are so many queries that flooded my overworked 2 brains. We should change this instantly. Let every HIV patient know that it was partly their fault not. (Even if it was, like in case you rape an infected person)

The most interesting part of this blog is that even after confirming that I am free from HIV virus,( of course my girl tested for me) some people can’t give in so fast and there are having extremely rough time trying to figure out whether to belief it or not. But due to public demand I will confirm to you that my status is my own secret though if I had the virus I would not have made it public too soon.

However, before you criticize and think negatively of those affected and infected, think about how many repeatedly times you have ceremoniously jumped in bed. How many times have you been lucky not to contract the virus. Do you think you are immune to the virus? Shame on those who treat the infected people with cold hands as if they cannot contract the deadly virus. It is good to know we are either infected or affected. What about those born with the virus? do they kill themselves? we all have our journeys to make. How you treat your neighbor might be replicated on your exponential decreasing growth phase on the sigmoid life growth curve.


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