Exposed: NYS Suspect Ann Ngirita's Tattoo Coded Message

NYS Suspects Show her tattoo in court 

After one of the NYS Suspects, Ann Ngirita was captured exposing her tattooed hand during the court proceedings, think, based on my knowledge in data analysis and, the words on the tattoo, Daddy Ngirita were supposed to send special information to someone who might have been keenly watching the proceedings of the court. Although some people interpreted the tattoo as a sign of daughter’s love to the daddy or merely a show off, have interpreted what might have been coded information of that tattoo.
Here is the explanation
Taking coordinates of a matrix 1-9,
1                   2                                 3
                  (a, b,c)                     def

4                      5                                6
ghi                    jkl                        mno

7                    8                                    9
pqr s               tuv                           wxyz

Therefore, Daddy Ngirita can be interpreted using the coordinates and it will be 323396447482.
Using the above coordinates, there must be a direction leading to the coded direction. After using google map to check the location of the coordinates, a map of rift valley province emerges, covering Nakuru, Naivasha and some other locations marked with RED. 
If the Authorities can follow these ideas, they will definitely unravel what is hidden in this location. Sadly, our mainstream media just reported of the tattoo but never tried to decode the meaning.
This might mean that ‘Kenyans’ are dealing with a tough cookie and not a mere village girl.
