A Horizontal View of A FARMER in karigu-ini Village (Image by “The Wise is speaking

Although the last group of MCAs spent Billions of money attending meetings outside their counties as well as benchmarking outside the country, this ought not to be the case with the newly elected MCA in Nyanduma ward, Lari Subcounty, Kiambu County.The county which is number
0608 has a population of 23, 540 People and covers a region of approxitely 50.50 SQ.KM

Mr MCA Mwai Mbugua (Daktari) was an expert in Animal health and veterinary services before venturing his cards into politics and he made it with the first trial dislodging the Incumbent Mburu Gitiha. Interestingly, the MCA Dagitari (Doctor) as most locals have decided to continue giving animal health services to the locals. However, he is giving services absolutely free. The leadership has not prevented him from wearing gumboots and stepping on wet cow dung while treating the cattle’s in the area. 

One of the farmers in Karigu-ini village, Mr Bernard Mwago Mwangi recalled how the MCA saved his ailing cow without charging him even a single cent although it was heavily raining. ‘I phoned him and in the next 20 minutes, he was at my place. He didn’t charge me’ Narrated Mr Mwago who was speaking to another farmer Mr. Kirathe Kanini who also benefited from the free services from the MCA Daktari.

“I first called him but he was away in the County assembly, he directed me to go in his agrovet and collect the drugs to treat my cow. Today, he came to see how the cow was doing’. Narrated Mr. Kirathe “He has just treated it and did not charge, the other Veterinary doctor had said he will come when I pay Ksh. 1200 for the services.

The locals are saying MCA Daktari mwai is the God sent and they are very happy with his services. They call for other leaders to embrace the heart with the MCA and help improve infrastructure such as Roads which are in pathetic state having been neglected since the colonial periods.


  1. What a blessing! This is one way you recognize a true leader.

  2. Now this is the kind of leaders we need.... Its a pity we get one in a couple of years... Just optimistic the others will read this and learn a thing or two..... Kudus daktari

  3. 20 minutes, 😕😕😕

  4. god sent indeed. #ifikiewananchi


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