Iconic Rhino, 'SUDAN' Did not Die at 45! He Was Killed!!!!
Sudan: KWS Sources Sudan was the oldest White Rhino in the world. He was translocated from the Czech Republic where he was facing the dangers of illegal poaching. The other purpose of bringing Sudan to Kenya was to facilitate breeding so that the extinction of the breed could be controlled. Sadly, Sudan has now left us at the age of 45. What many people don’t know is that Sudan was actually killed and did not die a ‘normal death’. According to one of the caretakers of this Iconic Rhino, Sudan’s health was deteriorating with un-healing wounds becoming a menace to manage. Moreover, Sudan had so many painful lesions all over his skin which made his life a hell on earth. After the caretakers and all stakeholders considered all the problems Sudan was enduring, a decision was made and Sudan was helped to die through Euthanasia